Meeting Agenda

25 - 26 September 2024


Radisson Blu Royal Mile Edinburgh

Wednesday 25 September 2024 hosted by David Burns

08:30 Arrive and Refreshments

09:30 Welcome and Introductions - David Burns

10:00  Splynx - 9 Years Empowering WISPs: Splynx V5 is Here to Transform WISP Operations and Performance

10:30 Refreshments and Networking Break

11:00 Panel - Public Strategy and Funding with BDUK, DSIT and Scottish Government

12:30 Lunch and Networking

14:00 Intracom Telecom - Extended Range Gigabit FWA and Ultra Fast Wireless Connectivity

14:30 Axiros - X69 out of the box ACS 2.0 release and new features

15:00 TP-Link - Connectivity into and around the home, wifi 7 and how ISPs can manage it

15:30 Refreshments and Networking Break

16:00 Panel - Lessons from OTS

17:00 Wrap-up

17:15 WISPAs Awards Presentations and Reception Drinks Sponsored by Cambium Networks

19:00 Close

Thursday 26 September 2024 hosted by Ian Bushrod

08:30 Arrive and Refreshments

09:00 Welcome and Introductions

09:30  Voneus Delivering Europe's largest Terragraph project

10:30 Refreshments and Networking Break

11:00 Calix

11:30 Bill Buchan - Dummies guide to Terraform

12:00 Spectrum Update

12:30 Lunch and Networking

14:00 Panel – The Future for WISPs

15:00 Wrap-up and departure

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