Intracom Telecom is one of the world leaders in Ultra-Fast Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)
technology and amongst its many users has the largest mmWave (Millimeter Wave) FWA
network in the world, which is located in Italy. The company has committed to bring its
groundbreaking technology and know-how so as to help in the development of the UK Fixed
Wireless Access market and has joined forces with UKWISPA to engage with UK
The UK Government is committed to helping every property in the land receive gigabit-
capable broadband in the coming years. High performance Fixed Wireless Access is now
seen as an essential component of the UK's ability to meet this goal in a cost effective and
timely manner. Connecting properties using underground ducts and overhead wires has many
limitations in the time, disruption caused and aesthetic impact on the landscape; especially in
more rural areas. A single mmWave Gigabit base station can provide immediate coverage to
many properties at gigabit speeds.
David Burns, Chairman of UKWISPA, stated: “Intracom Telecom’s technology is already
exploited worldwide including the USA, Europe and the Far East and we are delighted that
they have decided to bring this experience to the UK. There are over 100 Wireless Internet
Service Providers (WISPs) across the UK and their role in delivering Gigabit Britain cannot be
overstated. We hope that Intracom Telecom’s expertise and technology will help WISPs build
ultra-fast networks faster and help UK businesses and homes receive the broadband
they deserve quickly and inexpensively”.
John Tenidis, Marketing Director of Wireless Network & Systems of Intracom Telecom,
underlined: “Connectivity to internet is becoming a human right directly linked to freedom of
expression and opinion as stated by UN. Therefore it is to the interest of governments to
protect and incentivize local WISPs to continue connecting remote societies. Intracom
Telecom’s technology (WiBAS™) allows WISPs to expand their offerings. We are joining UK
WISPA and offer our solutions to its members as we believe that the designated spectrum
(24.25 - 27.25 GHz) is the only path to go for a country that targets to achieve 100 Mbps per